Data Description8.1 Machine data for SINUMERIK 840D sl03.068-244 © Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) – 03.2006 Edition10386 $MN_PROFISAFE_IN_ADDRESS[n]: 0 ... 15MD number PROFIsafe address of an input moduleDefault value: 0 Min. input limit: 0 Max. input limit: 0x0501FFFFChange becomes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 7/2 Units: –Data type: DWORDSignificance: PROFIsafe target address of an input moduleFormat: 0s 0x aaaas: Bus segment (5 = DP connection on the PLC side)x: Sub-slot addressValue range: 0...1x = 0 addresses the F net data signals 1...32x = 1 addresses the F net data signals 33...64aaaa: Hexadecimal PROFIsafe address of the F moduleSpecial cases, errors,...10387 $MN_PROFISAFE_OUT_ADDRESS[n]: 0 ... 15MD number PROFIsafe address of a PROFIsafe output moduleDefault value: 0 Min. input limit: 0 Max. input limit: 0x0501FFFFChange becomes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 7/2 Units: –Data type: DWORDSignificance: PROFIsafe target address of an output moduleFormat: 0s 0x aaaas: Bus segment (5 = DP connection on the PLC sidex: Sub-slot addressValue range: 0...1x = 0 addresses the F net data signals 1...32x = 1 addresses the F net data signals 33...64aaaa: Hexadecimal PROFIsafe address of the F moduleSpecial cases, errors,...10388 $MN_PROFISAFE_IN_ASSIGN[n]: 0 ... 15MD number Input assignment, $A_INSE to PROFIsafe moduleDefault value: 0 Min. input limit: 0 Max. input limit: 64064Change becomes effective after: Power ON Protective stage: 7/2 Units: –Data type: DWORDSignificance: Assignment between an ext. SPL interface $A_INSE and a PROFIsafe input module.The three lower positions indicate the least significant $A_INSE variable to be supplied.The three upper positions indicate the most significant $A_INSE variable to be supplied.Example:PROFISAFE_IN_ASSIGN[0] = 4001:The system variables $A_INSE[1...4] are supplied with the state of the input terminals ofthe PROFIsafe module that was defined in MD PROFISAFE_IN_ADDRESS[0].Special cases, errors,...