5 Error Messages and Error Handling 03.965.3 Overview of cycle alarms 5© Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved5-354 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Programming Guide Cycles (PGZ) – 11.02 EditionAlarm number Alarm text Source Explanation, remedy61604 "Active tool violatesprogrammedcontour"CYCLE95 Contour violation in relief cut elements as aresult of the clearance angle of the toolbeing used, i.e. use a different tool orcheck the contour subroutine61605 "Contour incorrectlyprogrammed"CYCLE76CYCLE77CYCLE95Illegal relief cut element detected61606 "Error on contourpreparation"CYCLE95 An error was detected during contourpreparation, this alarm is always outputwith NCK alarm 10930 ... 10934, 15800 or1581061607 "Starting pointincorrectlyprogrammed"CYCLE95 The starting point reached before the cyclewas called does not lie outside the rec-tangle described by the contour subroutine61608 "Wrong tool pointdirection programmed"CYCLE94CYCLE96A tool point direction between 1 ... 4 thatmatches the undercut form must beprogrammed61609 "Form incorrectlyprogrammed"CYCLE94CYCLE96Check parameters for the undercutform61610 "No infeed depthprogrammed"CYCLE76CYCLE77CYCLE9661611 "No intersectionfound"CYCLE95 The system cannot calculate an inter-section with the contour. Check contourprogramming or change infeed depth61612 "Thread cannot berecut"CYCLE97CYCLE9861613 "Undercut positionincorrectly defined"CYCLE94CYCLE96Check value in parameter _VARI61803 "Programmed axisdoes not exist"CYCLE83CYCLE84CYCLE840Check parameter _AXN61807 "Incorrect spindledirection programmed(active)"CYCLE840 Check parameters SDR and SDAC62100 "No drilling cycleactive"HOLES1HOLES2No drilling cycle was called modally be-fore the drilling pattern cycle was called62105 "Number of columnsor rows is zero"CYCLE80062180 "Set rotary axes x.x[deg]"CYCLE800 Angles to be set for manual rotary axes62181 "Set rotary axes x.x[deg]"CYCLE800 Angle to be set for manual rotary axis09.01