2 03.96 Drilling Cycles and Drilling Patterns2.1 Drilling cycles 2© Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Programming Guide Cycles (PGZ) – 11.02 Edition 2-1032.1.11 Boring 5 – CYCLE89ProgrammingCYCLE89 (RTP, RFP, SDIS, DP, DPR, DTB)ParametersRTP real Retraction plane (absolute)RFP real Reference plane (absolute)SDIS real Safety distance (enter without sign)DP real Final drilling depth (absolute)DPR real Final drilling depth relative to reference plane (enter without sign)DTB real Dwell time at final drilling depth (chip breaking)FunctionThe tool drills at the programmed spindle speed andfeedrate to the programmed final drilling depth. Oncethe final drilling depth has been reached a dwell timecan be programmed.Sequence of operationsPosition reached prior to cycle start:The drilling position is the position in the two axes ofthe selected plane.The cycle implements the following motionsequence:• Approach of the reference plane brought forwardby the safety distance with G0• Traverse to final drilling depth with G1 and thefeedrate programmed before the program call• Dwell time at final drilling depth• Retraction to the reference plane brought forwardby the safety distance with G1 and the samefeedrate value• Retraction to retraction plane with G0.XZ09.01