5 Error Messages and Error Handling 03.965.3 Overview of cycle alarms 5© Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved5-350 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Programming Guide Cycles (PGZ) – 11.02 EditionAlarm number Alarm text Source Explanation, remedy61003 "No feedrateprogrammed in thecycle"CYCLE71CYCLE72The parameter for feedrate has beenincorrectly set and must be altered.61005 "3rd geometry axis notavailable"CYCLE86 When used on turning machineswithout Y axis in G18 plane.61009 "Active tool number= 0"CYCLE71CYCLE72No tool (T) is programmed prior to thecycle call.61010 "Final machiningallowance too great"CYCLE72 The final machining allowance on thebase is greater than the total depth andmust be reduced.61011 "Scaling notallowed"CYCLE71CYCLE72A scale factor is currently active that isnot permissible for this cycle.61012 "Scaling in the planedifferent"CYCLE76CYCLE7761101 "Reference planeincorrectly defined"CYCLE71CYCLE72CYCLE81toCYCLE90CYCLE840SLOT1SLOT2POCKET1 toPOCKET4LONGHOLEEither different values must be enteredfor the reference plane and theretraction plane if they are relativevalues or an absolute value must beentered for the depth61102 "No spindle directionprogrammed"CYCLE86CYCLE87CYCLE88CYCLE840POCKET3POCKET4Parameter SDIR (or SDR inCYCLE840) must be programmed61103 "Number of holesequals zero"HOLES1HOLES2No value has been programmed for thenumber of holes61104 "Contour violation ofthe slots/elongatedholes"SLOT1SLOT2LONGHOLEIncorrect parameterization of the millingpattern in the parameters that define theposition of the slots/elongated holes in thecycle and their shape09.01