88-25ET 200 Distributed I/O SystemEWA 4NEB 780 6000-02a8.4.1 Save to memory card (IM 308-C)To export data to a memory card, the PG must have a memory card interface, or your PG must have an E(E)PROM slot with the appropriate programmingadapter, or your PC must have an external programming unit.The order numbers are listed in Appendix F.To save the data of a master system to memory card:1. insert the memory card in the slot in the PG or programming unit and2. in COM ET 200 Windows select File Export Memory card.Result: The configuration data is saved on the memory card. You caninsert the memory card in the IM 308-C.Preconditions foruse of memorycardsSaving to memorycardParameterizing, saving and documenting the configuration with COM ET 200 Windows