4-19System ManualC79000-G8576-C199-064.3 Power Supply UnitsPower supply units are part of the S5-135U/155U central controllers and ofthe EU 183 and EU 185 expansion units.4.3.1 Product OverviewThe following section provides an overview of power supply types, theirfunctions, LEDs and controls and their inputs and outputs.Your CC/EU contains one of the following power supply units (PSUs):Type of PSU(Designation)InputVoltage Output Voltage Application6ES5 955-3LC42 120 V AC230 V AC(selectable)5V/18A DC15V/0.5A DC24V/1A DCCentral controller6ES5 188-3UA12Expansion units6ES5 183-3UA136ES5 185-3UA136ES5 955-3LF42 120 V AC230 V AC(selectable)5V/40A DC15V/2A DC24V/2.8A DCCentral controller6ES5 188-3UA22Expansion units6ES5 185-3UA336ES5 955-3NC42 24 V DC 5V/18A DC15V/0.5A DC24V/1A DCCentral controller6ES5 188-3UA32Expansion units6ES5 183-3UA226ES5 185-3UA236ES5 955-3NF42 24 V DC 5V/40A DC15V/2A DC24V/2.8A DCCentral controller6ES5 188-3UA52Expansion units6ES5 185-3UA43The 5 V and 15 V output voltages are regulated; the 24 V output voltage hascoarse stabilization.All four power supply units have safe electrical separation according toVDE 0805/EN 60950.NotePower supply units are exclusively adapted to operation with CCs/EUs.Power SupplyTypesCentral Controllers and Expansion Units Power Supply Units