5-114 System ManualC79000-G8576-C199-06When the submodule is delivered, the jumpers are set as shown in thefollowing figure. As a rule, therefore, you can use the RS 422 A/485submodule immediately.Front ConnectorX4X3119111220212Figure 5-26 RS422-A/485 Submodule: Jumper Settings when DeliveredWith the jumpers on the switch row X3 you can remove the preset forrecognizing a break state from the two-wire line R.When delivered, the two-wire line R is preset with the jumpers 12-14 and 4-6so that the break state can be recognized. Pin 4 (R(A)) of the front connectorlies above a resistance on +5 V. Pin 11 (R(B)) of the front connector liesabove a resistance on ground.If you replug the jumpers on 10-12 and 6-8, the two-wire line R is preset asfollows: pin 4 (R(A)) of the front connector lies above a resistance onground. Pin 11 (R(B)) of the front connector lies above a resistance on +5 V.The break state cannot be recognized.Jumper Settingson theRS422 A/485SubmoduleCPUs, Memory Cards, Memory Submodules, Interface Submodules