5-11System ManualC79000-G8576-C199-06The module must be inserted at the correct slot in the central controller. Thebackup battery must be fitted and in order for the CPU to start.Proceed as follows:Step Action Result1 Set the mode switch to STOP2 Switch the system voltage on. The following LEDs must lightup on the CPU:– Red STOP LED(flashing rapidly)– Red BASP 2) LED3 Hold the MC 1) switch in theOVERALL RESET settingand simultaneously set themode switch from STOP toRUN.The red STOP LED is nowpermanently lit.1) MC: Momentary-contact2) BASP: Command output inhibitIf the red SYS FAULT LED also lights up, an error has occurred duringoverall reset. In this case the measures described must be repeated. Ifnecessary, switch the system voltage off and on again. If the LED is still lit,the module is faulty.Continue as follows:Step Action Result1 Set the mode switch to STOP.2 Hold the MC switch in theRESET setting andsimultaneously set the modeswitch from STOP to RUN.– Red STOP LED goes off– Green RUN LED lights up– Red BASP LED goes offThe CPU is now in the RUN statebut still has no user program.StartupOverall ResetResetCPUs, Memory Cards, Memory Submodules, Interface Submodules