6-13System ManualC79000-G8576-C199-066.3 Coordinator ModesIf, when the supply voltage is switched on, the coordinator mode switch is atSTOP or another stop request is pending, the CPUs remain in the Stop state.AUTOMATIC RESET orAUTOMATIC RESTARTIf, when the supply voltage is switched on, the coordinator mode switch is atRUN, an AUTOMATIC RESET or AUTOMATIC RESTART (depending onDX 0 setting) will take place as long as the mode switches of the CPUs arealso at RUN and the PLC was previously in cyclic operation.MANUAL STARTWhen you set the coordinator mode switch from STOP to RUN, the CPUswill execute a start if this was already prepared at all CPUs by appropriateswitch actuation, i.e. the CPUs are in the wait state. As required by the user,the type of start can be the same for all CPUs or arbitrarily different.After the start synchronization by the system programs, the CPUssimultaneously go to RUN (cyclic operation).The transition of individual CPUs is synchronized - as long as the preset“start synchronization” in the relevant CPUs has not been changed by DX 0programming - i.e. only when each CPU has ended its start do all CPUsjointly go to cyclic program processing.If the coordinator mode switch is at the RUN setting and one CPU goes tothe Stop state, all the other CPUs also go to the Stop state. The red STOPLED(s) on the CPU(s) causing the Stop state flash slowly; the STOP LEDs ofthe other CPUs are continuously lit.Apart from any indication with fault LEDs on the CPU which is the cause, allCPUs emit the BASP (output inhibit) signal.The Stop StateStartupNormal Operationand Stop in theEvent of FaultsMultiprocessor Operation/Coordinators