4 Faults and alarms4.2 List of faults and alarmsSINAMICS G130/G1501906 List Manual (LH2), 07/2016, A5E03263479AA35920 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 0Message value: %1Message class: External measured value / signal state outside the permissible range (16)Drive object: B_INF, TM120, TM150, TM31, VECTOR_GComponent: Terminal Module (TM) Propagation: BICOReaction: NONEAcknowledge: NONECause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred.Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected.KTY84: R > 1630 Ohm (TM150: R > 2170 Ohm), PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1720 Ohm (TM150: R > 1944Ohm)2: Measured resistance too low.PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 50 Ohm (TM150: R < 180 Ohm), PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603OhmRemedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly.- replace the sensor.Reaction upon F: NONEAcknowl. upon F: IMMEDIATELY (POWER ON)Reaction upon N: NONEAcknowl. upon N: NONEA35921 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 1Message value: %1Message class: External measured value / signal state outside the permissible range (16)Drive object: B_INF, TM120, TM150, VECTOR_GComponent: Terminal Module (TM) Propagation: BICOReaction: NONEAcknowledge: NONECause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred.Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected.KTY84: R > 1630 Ohm (TM150: R > 2170 Ohm), PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1720 Ohm (TM150: R > 1944Ohm)2: Measured resistance too low.PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 50 Ohm (TM150: R < 180 Ohm), PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603OhmRemedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly.- replace the sensor.Reaction upon F: NONEAcknowl. upon F: IMMEDIATELY (POWER ON)Reaction upon N: NONEAcknowl. upon N: NONEA35922 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 2Message value: %1Message class: External measured value / signal state outside the permissible range (16)Drive object: B_INF, TM120, TM150, VECTOR_GComponent: Terminal Module (TM) Propagation: BICOReaction: NONEAcknowledge: NONECause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred.Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected.KTY84: R > 1630 Ohm (TM150: R > 2170 Ohm), PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1720 Ohm (TM150: R > 1944Ohm)