83 tax table>New Jersey tax table: 6%To program a tax table, first make a table like the right table shown below.TaxesRange of sales amountMinimum breakpoint. breakpoint. QM1M2A: Difference between theminimum breakpoint andthe next one (¢)–10 (0.11 - 0.01)12 (0.23 - 0.11)16 (0.39 - 0.23)18 (0.57 - 0.39)16 (0.73 - 0.57)16 (0.89 - 0.73)22 (1.11 - 0.89)12 (1.23 - 1.11)16 (1.39 - 1.23)18 (1.57 - 1.39)16 (1.73 - 1.57)16 (1.89 - 1.73)22 (2.11 - 1.89)B: Non-cyclicC: Cyclic-1D: Cyclic-2From the tax table, calculate the differences between a minimum break point and the next one (A). Then,from the differences, find irregular cycles (B) and regular cycles (C and D). These cycles will show you thefollowing items necessary to program the tax table:T: The tax amount collected on the minimum taxable amount (Q) → INITIAL TAXQ: The minimum taxable amount → LOWER TAXM1: The maximum value of the minimum breakpoint on a regular cycle (C)We call this point “MAX point.”M2: The maximum value of the minimum breakpoint on a regular cycle (D)We call this point “MAX point.”M: Range of the minimum breakpoint on a regular cycle: difference → CYCLEbetween Q and M1 or between M1 and M2Example data of New Jersey tax table (6%)TAX RATE: 6.0000 (enter 6)CYCLE: 1.00 (enter 100)INITIAL TAX: 0.01 (enter 1)LOWER TAX: 0.11 (enter 11)BREAK POINT1: 0.23 (enter 23)BREAK POINT2: 0.39 (enter 39)BREAK POINT3: 0.57 (enter 57)BREAK POINT4: 0.73 (enter 73)BREAK POINT5: 0.89 (enter 89)BREAK POINT6: 1.11 (enter 111)NOTE If the tax is not provided for every cent, modify the tax table by setting the tax for everycent in the following manner.When setting the tax, consider the minimum breakpoint corresponding to unprovided tax to be the same asthe one corresponding to the tax provided on a large amount.