8·5603 (8)Remove the connector on pointA, and turn ON the terminationresistance of the master station.07 (8)06 (8)05 (8)Masterstation04 (8)BD7OFFA CDisconnection• If the bus cable between the slave station 05 (8) and 06 (8) is disconnected in the following system.State of an individual communication flagD01 (8)02 (8)D 0OFF6 5Unstable1234D 7 D 0OFF OFF6 5ON1234D 7 D 06 5 1234As the communication possible stations03 (8), 02 (8), 01 (8), and 04 (8) are normal, thestate of communication monitoring flag isas follows.Connect the A connector, andthen remove the connector onpoint B.D 7 D 0OFF6 5OFFUnstableOFF OFFUnstableCountermeasureCauseDisconnection in the bus cable and thebranch cable between the station 05 (8) and06(8), or contact failure of the connectorsError on the slave station 06 (8)Remove both the bus cable andthe branch cable connectors. Afterthat, shorten one of theseconnectors and check conductivityusing a tester.Exchange the slave module.OFF1234There is no normal station amoungcommiunicatable station 05, 06, 07 (8),and 05 (8) is unstable.Remove the connector on pointC and make sure the Bconnector is not connected.D 7 D 06 5OFFON1234As the communication possible station05 (8) is normal, abnormal points existsahead of the point C.Connect the C connector andmake sure the B connector isnot connected, and remove theconnector at the next point tothe point D.The station 05 (8) and 06 (8) becomecommunication possible stations, but thestation 05 (8) is unstable and the station06 (8) is turned to OFF, so the abnormalstates occur between the point C and thepoint D.