2-22BASIC OPERATIONSNoteCorrecting Rapid Dialling Information1 Perform steps 1 to 3 in the section "How to Enter RapidDialling Information" (See page 2-19, 2-20), andcontinue with step 2 in this section.2 Press the rapid key number (01 to 35) that you want tochange.Example R01 STORED:CHANGE?1=YES, 2=NO3 Press the "1" key.l Select the "CHANGE?" option.l The display panel shows the recipient's fax number so you can changethe information.Example PRESS START LAST987-654-32104 Enter changes to the recipient's fax number using thenumeric keys.l You can enter a maximum of 40 digits. If you need to enter a pausebetween any digits of the number, press the REDIAL/PAUSE key. Apause that you enter is displayed as a hyphen (-) character.l The pause time is set with a user program. (See page Appendix-6)l If you make a mistake entering the number, pressing the CLEAR keyrepeatedly erases characters one at a time, and you can re-enter thecharacters.5 Press the START key.l After changing the fax number stored in the rapid key number, youcan change the recipient's name.l The display panel shows the recipient's name so you can change theinformation.Example PRESS START KEY LASTSHARP6 E nter changes to the recipient's name using the alphabeticcharacter entry keys and press the START key.l You can enter a maximum of 20 characters.l For more information about entering characters, refer to the section"HOW TO ENTER CHARACTERS". (See page 2-37)CHAIN DIAL1=SET, 2=CANCELIf you do not want to correct the recipient's name, pressthe ENTER key.ENTERING AUTO DIALLING INFORMATIONEntering Auto Dialling Information