Samsung SSC-1000 User Manual
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17User’s Guide162) Manipulating the camera! For manipulating the camera, since only the concerned cam no. indicated in LCD ispossible, first select the camera you want to manipulate. For camera selection, whenyou press CAM+NO+ENTER the camera no. gets indicated in LCD.@ In the third line of LCD, the camera's action state gets indicated. Initially, it appearsas “MANUAL”. And, in this state, by using the JOY STICK and LENS CONTROLbuttons, you can manipulate the light turning mark and the lens. According to themanipulation angle of the Joy Stick, the rotation speed of the light turning mark getsvaried.# AUTO PAN actionAUTO PAN enables you to move the camera between two preset points you set inthe menu If you want to perform Auto Pan, press the AUTO PAN button in Manualmode and enter a desired AUTOPAN number, then press the ENTER button. Then,the LED indicator on the AUTO PAN button flashes with a message of "AUTO PAN[ ]". To deactivate AUTO PAN, press the AUTO PAN button again.$ SCAN actionYou can scan for multiple preset positions in sequence as set in Scan mode. InManual mode, enter a desired SCAN number and press the ENTER button to startthe scan function. Then, the LED indicator on the SCAN button flashes with amessage of "SCAN [ ]". To release Scan mode, press the SCAN button again.% PATTERN actionThis is a function for watching 30 seconds of the camera's moves set up by the useraccording to the camera's pattern mode set-up. Press the PATTERN button in themanual state, put in the pattern no. you want, and when you press the ENTERbutton pattern action gets performed. At this time, the LED of the PATTERN buttongets turned on, and “Pattern [ ]” gets indicated in the LCD. If you want to cancelthe pattern action, press the PATTERN button once again.^ PRESET actionThis is a function for selecting and watching the preset position set up in the camera.If you want to select the PRESET Position you want, press the PRESET button, put inthe appropriate number in the position you want, and press the ENTER button. At thistime, the LED of the PRESET button gets turned on, “Pattern [ ]” gets indicated inthe LCD. Once the operation is finished, current move is changed to MANUAL MODE.* DATA BACK-UPIn case changing the camera bydownloading the set-up data of theSamsung Dome Camera, this is afunction for applying the set-up value setup in the changed camera just the way itis. In order to perform this mode, moveCURSOR(→) to the DATA BACK-UP inthe CAMERA SET MENU, and press theENTER button. If you want to go back tothe main menu, press the MENU button.∗ In this mode, the menu will appear only if the protocol is set to"SAMSUNG", where you can backup data.*-1 In order to initialize the cameraconnected to the controller,move CURSOR(→) to CAM RESET,and press the ENTER button.*-2 When downloading the set-up dataof the camera, move CURSOR(→)to DOWNLOAD, and press theENTER button.*-3 When you wan to set the set-up datadownloaded to the camera,move CURSOR(→) to UPLOAD,and press the ENTER button.( SYSTEM INFOYou can check SSC-1000 for thecommunication settings and the firmwareversion. Press the MENU button toreturn to the previous menu.) MULTIPLEX CONTROLWhen you press “MUX CONTROL”button, you can control Multiplex.∗ If communication error occurs, ‘ERR’ message appears on the secondright line of the LCD for a moment, and then disappears.MON = [00] CAM = [000]DOWN LOADING . . .120 SEC LEFT.MON = [00] CAM = [000]UP LOADING . . .120 SEC LEFT.SYSTEM INFOBAUDRATE : 9600PROTOCOL : SAMSUNGF/W V2.00 - 080812M ON = [ 0 01] CAM=[ 0 0 0 ]MULTIPLEX CONTROLM ON = [ 0 0 ] CAM=[ 0 0 0 ]∗ CAM RESET ∗M ON = [ 0 0 ] CAM=[ 0 0 0 ]→CAM RESETDO W N LOADUP LOADSSC-1000 (gb) 2009.1.8 1:38 PM Page 16 |
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