Tampering detectionYou can set to detect tampering attempts and trigger events, such as sudden changeof camera’s framing direction, blocked lens and other overall change of scenes from thevideo.1. From the Setup menu, select the<Event ( )> tab.2. Click <Event setup>.3. Select <Tampering detection> from<Event action setup>.4. Set whether or not to <Enable>.5. Set the tampering detection sensitivity.The higher the sensitivity, detects theminutest tampering attempts.6. Specify the activation time andactivation condition. For more information about <Activationtime> and <Action>, refer to “Alarm input”.(page 71)7. When done, click [Apply ( )].J The default tampering detection function may not work properly in the following cases:- Under circumstances of simple background or low illumination and night time may lower thedetection sensitivity.- A severe shaking of the camera or a drastic change to the illumination can be considered atampering by mistake.- Detection of the tampering may take some time (maximum 5 seconds) right after thetampering was made.- Once a tampering is detected, the camera will resume a normal operating after a certainstability time (approx. 5 seconds) during which no detection will be performed.● SETUP SCREENEnglish _73