Print from any Internet-connected device toany printer4.22EFI PrintMeTM SolutionHow PrintMeTM WorksThe PrintMeTM Station enables your printer to beaccessible over the Internet via the web ande-mail. Users can use any Internet-connecteddevices to print, including desktops, laptops, andPDAs. They do not need any software, cables, ordrivers. They can print to the PrintMeTM enabledprinter from their room, the road, a meeting, oranywhere else with Internet access.• Via the web : Users simply go to They can browse and upload any doc-ument, enter their information, and print. Theyare given a receipt number (DocID), which isused to retrieve the document on-demand at theprinter. Documents stay secure and confidential.Supported Environment• Supported products :All Samsung printers/MFPs• Applicable regions : W/WWhat is a PrintMeTMStation?The PrintMeTM Station connects to any existingprinter through the parallel port, the USB port, or toany LAN. PrintMeTM does not require any specialsoftware or a dedicated PC.Each PrintMeTM Station has a unique e-mailaddress and web URL that users can use to easi-ly and securely submit print jobs to that printer.The PrintMeTM station includes an integrated key-pad, LCD display, and 10baseT Ethernet, as wellas IrDA, printer and USB ports. Just plug thePrintMeTM Station into your LAN, connect a printer,and enjoy a whole new world of mobile andInternet printing.Work Flow DiagramDelivery Type- PrintMeTM Station (Cost Option)- Internet Connection- Document Terminal (PC, PDA, etc)Guest goes to theprinter's Web page atwww.printme.comGuest entersinformation,uploadsdocument(s), andclicks "Print Now!"Guest goes tothe front deskor business centreto retrieve printout(s)DocID is presentedon-screen and e-mailedto guestOverviewEFI PrintMeTM is the mobile and Internet printing solution that allows anyone to print on the Internetwithout installing any software or driver. PrintMeTM extends the value of such widespread informa-tion access by providing a mobile and Internet printing solution that enables printing from desktops,laptops, and PDAs.Output management | 111110 | Output management• Via e-mail : Files can also be sent via e-mail.Guests can forward e-mails with documentsattached to a unique e-mail address thatPrintMeTM assigns to each printer. Similar to webprinting, they are given a DocID to retrieve thedocument at their convenience.PrintMeTM can handle most document formatsincluding Microsoft®Word™, PowerPoint™, andExcel™, HTML, JPEG, PDF, and more. With built-in end-to-end 128-bit SSL encryption, documentsare secure from the time they are uploaded untilthey are printed.