Overview• Trap Server Configuration is a Microsoft Windows-based application used to maintain the “TonerLow” logs for Samsung network printers.The application program “Trap ConfigurationManager” provides an easy-to-use interface tosearch for network printers, and to maintain the“Toner Low” logs only for selected Samsung net-work printers. This tool also allows users to save“Toner Low” logs in a CSV file.• The Trap Configuration Manager is launched from“Start_Programs_Trap Server Configuration.” Theprogram conducts a network-wide search forSamsung network printers, and then produces alist of printers found over the network. This man-agement tool also performs static registration forselected printers on the list and un-registrationfor printers removed from the same list.• Currently, this solution is only available forML-2550 Series.User Scenario• User will install the “Trap ConfigurationManager” to some computers to monitor tonerlow information, and register IP address of TrapServer. User needs to configure CSV file loca-tion and name.• After installation, the trap server is ready toreceive some traps from printer devices. Whena trap is received, the user needs to assess iftoner is low or not. If toner is low, the printer’scurrent page count is requested. Then the pro-gram will store toner low status, current time oftrap server, IP address of printer, and the cur-rent printer’s page count to a CSV file.Benefits• Allows the system administrator to view the con-sumable status of printer / MFP devices in thebranch offices.• Monitor and analyse toner status of all printers.Supported Environments• Supported products :All Samsung network printers / MFPs• Applicable regions : W/W• System requirements :- Microsoft Windows 98/NT/2000/XPDelivery TypesFirmware and Software Upgrade (Free)Screenshot of Trap Configuration ManagerOutput management | 9998 | Output managementNetwork solution for monitoring consumables4.16Trap Server ConfigurationWork Flow Diagram