OfficeServ 7100 INSTALLATIONTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 3 MAY 20103.223.5 OTHER INTERFACE CARDS3.5.1 TEPRI and TEPRIaThe TEPRI(TEPRI/TEPRIa) card is a digital trunk interface that supports either T1 or ISDN PRIservice. It also supports Q-Sig/PRI signalling required for networking multiple systems.NOTE: The OfficeServ 7100 only supports PRI and does not support T1service even though the TEPRI and TEPRIa cards support both.The TEPRI/TEPRIa card can be installed in slots 1 and/or 2. The first four LEDs on the front ofthe card provide the status of the service (Sync, AIS, Loss and Layer 2 Active states). Thesecond four LEDs on the front of the card display the type of service. The first TEPRI/TEPRIacard installed in the OfficeServ 7100 is the primary source of external clocking. The secondTEPRI/TEPRIa installed is the secondary source of external clocking. Default clock selection isleft to right in the cabinet. The clock priority can be changed by using MMC 826. Regardlessof position, a CO PRI circuit should always be given clocking priority over T1 circuits. There aretwo RJ45 modular jacks on the face of the card. The settings for T1 or PRI service are selectedby a bank of dip switches as defined below. The PRI supports NI1, NI2, AT&T No. 5 ESS, andDMS 100 offices. A maximum of 2 TEPRI/TEPRIa cards can be provided per system. NOTE: Donot insert this card with system power ON.TEPRI/TEPRIa Card Dip SwitchSwitch No. ON OFF1 T1 E12 PRI T13 NFAS (24B) NFAS (23B + D)4 NETWORK* USER5 AFT NORMAL6 ** **7 ** **8 ** ***If this TEPRI/TEPRIa card is to be the master of a pair of TEPRI/TEPRIa cards that are used toconnect two systems together via PRI networking then this DIP switch, DIP switch 4 must beset to ON.**Do not change the settings of DIP switches 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Switches 3, 5, 6, and 7 mustremain OFF and 8 must be ON.