33EnglishField Setting Mode[Time variation control of Heat pump and booster heater of DHW]t10101010BoosterOperationH/POperation#3032#3025DHWrequestHeatingrequestNOTE࡛ The FSV #4022 for booster heater priority should be set to “0 (both)” or “2” (booster) to use boosterheater.࡛ If not(backup heater priority), the booster heater can be operated in case of no backup heater demand.Booster Heater Variables for Controlling DHW Tank࡛The FSV #3031 should be set to “1(On)” (Default) to use booster heater as an additional heat source forDHW tank.࡛ Booster heater startup delay timer : In case of DHW request, this timer will delay the operation ofbooster heater compared to heat pump. ࣙƊǤߤߥߢߥ࢈࣑Uʪ˙ɇЇ̷ϩߢߤ͔̈͝ࡥŵɇ͝˝ʪߢߤड़ߧ͔࣒߫̈͝ࡥÃ͝ťͱиʪθࢩͱθ ʀʪʒU²Ǯ͔ͱʒʪࡥϩ˵ʪʒʪ̷ɇцϩ͔̈ʪθӥ̷̷be neglected, and the booster starts immediately. ࣙIn “Economic” DHW mode, the DHW heating will be conducted only with heat pump. ࣙ#3032 should be smaller than the maximum H/P time (#3025). If the delay time is set too high, itmight take very long time for DHW heating.࡛ Temperature difference determining the booster heater OFF temperature (T_BH OFF = Tu + #3033) :ઘAߦड़ߢࡤŵɇ͝˝ʪࡥઘAߢUʪ˙ɇЇ̷ϩࡥߥߥߢߥ࢈ƊǤ࡛ Temperature difference determining the booster heater ON temperature (T_BH ON = T_BH OFF - 2)