11EnglishEnergy-Saving OperationEnergyPress the button, press the , or , button to select Energy, and then press the button.You can see and set any of Energy Usage and Energy Setting.Classification Type DescriptionEnergy Usage -Displays the Instantaneous Power, Weekly Energy Usage, MonthlyEnergy Usage, Yearly Energy Usage, Energy Usage over Last Year,and Operation Time in graph format.NOTE࡛ For accuracy of operation time, use the DMS time.࡛ Ɵ˵ʪиʪʪ̷̧цʒ̈ϑΧ̷ɇц˙ͱ̷̷ͱиϑϩ˵ʪÃƊĮߣߢߨߪϑϩɇ͝ʒɇθʒϑEnergy SettingTarget EnergyConsumption Sets the target energy consumption.Target OperationTime Sets the target operation time.Alarm Popup Sets whether or not to generate an alarm when the target energyconsumption is reached.Usage DataInitialization Initialises the entire energy function.