PRINTING FROM DOS APPLICATIONSD.2About the Remote Control PanelDOS users have access to many printer features through specificDOS printer drivers; however, many software manufactures donot develop printer drivers for their software programmes. Yourprinter provides the software control panel for improved printercontrol when DOS printer drivers are not available or whencertain print settings are not available through DOS softwareprogrammes.NOTE: The printer’s Remote Control Panel is not a printer driver.It should be used to set print settings that are not availablethrough DOS software programmes. Printer drivers are supplied bythe manufacturers of your DOS software programmes. If your DOSsoftware Programme does not include a printer driver for yourprinter, contact the manufacturer of the software or use one of thealternate printer drivers.Installing the Remote Control Panel1 Place the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. Installation willstart automatically.If the CD-ROM drive does not automatically run:Select Run from the Start menu, type x:\cdsetup.exe inthe Open box (where x is the drive letter for the CD-ROMdrive) and click OK.2 Select the appropriate language.If you can’t find the desired language from the screen, usethe scroll button on the bottom right of the window to displaymore languages.3 Click Install the Samsung Software-III on your PC(WinRCP).