Securing Your Device 33Allowed ApplicationsEnable those applications you wish to give access to theInternet while the Port Filtering feature is enabled. All otherapplications will be blocked.These allowed application rules are used to open single ormultiple ports on your HotSpot when it senses data sent tothe Internet via these applications.Select All Applications: selects all applications listed below tobe allowed to pass through and access the Internet.The following is a list of the allowed applications:• DNS (Domain Name Server): is a technology used formanaging the names of Web sites and other Internet domains.DNS technology allows you to type names into your Webbrowser like and have your computerautomatically find that IP address on the Internet.Note: DNS (Domain Name Server) should always be enabledwhen using Port Filtering. Without DNS, it is not possibleto convert a Domain name (for example, an IP address. DNS is used by E-mail, FTP, and manyother protocols as well as by Web browsers.• HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): is the data transfer protocolused on the Web.• HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over TLS/SSL): is a secureddata transfer protocol (using TCP). This transfers hypertextrequests between both servers and your browser.• FTP (File Transfer Protocol): is a network protocol used to copyfiles from one location on the Web to another.• E-mail(POP3): also known as Post Office Protocol, is astandard protocol used by local e-mail applications/clients toretrieve email from a remote server.• E-mail (IMAP): also known as Internet Message AccessProtocol, is used for retrieving remote email messages.• VPN (Virtual Private Network): is a private network that isextended externally and allows you to securely communicateover a public network.• Telnet: is a network protocol that is used to log onto anothercomputer on the same local network.• RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol): is an Internet protocol usedfor transferring both audio and video data.