°Fransfe_dn9 flies to your Windows compute_Widen the Intelli studio starts up, video and photo thumbnails appear inthe main window,If you install Intelli studio on your PQ, the program will launch morequickly. To install the program, select Tool _ install Intelli-studioon PC.® You can update to the latest version of Intelli studio software byclicking on Web Support _ Update Intelli-studio _ StartUpdate.® The camoorder's built in Intelli studio software is intended forhome use It is not for precision or industrial productions For theseapplications, we recommend an editing soflsvare designed torprotessional use[_Z_] For detai s, select H_qp --* I/olelp on the Inte li-_ studio screen.Vlenu temlsDisp ay hes n the selected tuIdelBwltch to Photo e@t modeBwltch to Video ed t modeBwltch to Share modeEn a ge or reauce _ne _nurnDna 18in _ne 18[Beect a t e typeu ew v aeos ant }hotos of the selected Uder on your corn )u_eBhow or n ae race8 an( E qotos ot the connec_ea aevJce,uew vaeos ant shotos of the selected tuIder on the devcedew h es as thumbnails or on a ma }Browse folders -__ne connecteo aevJceBrowse folders stored on your computeore to the _"evous or next tddesr nt hes. v ew tries on a m8 _ store h es n Qontents Mane jet,-ec 8ter t,_ce8 or retresh oon_en_ manageUsing with other devices 9 0