Using the Aft Time Lapse mode@Ad Time La )s@ fc sotlon r÷ooras mage frarnes a_ a DreaeTinecnTerval over _ne _o_al recorawig TIrTe TO r _oauce atlrT 9q8 )se Vla@OArt TErne La }se Es useTk for f _ Jng _ne folbwir_g subjectsBloon- ng flowers• /4 Era Dullalrlg a r @s[® Obuds roiling oy Ir The SKyTime tot recora[ng on _net, s_orage meq a {a video c D ot --Art Tree Lasse RE })0:00:25/00:01:0: lvv _1 I_E(_ ___/ _ 00:00:25/g0:01:031000001 13ml_Dunng Art Time Lapse recording, the SL }er C llte turlctlon does not workArt Time Lapse rscorolng s turned oft once recording s finished, To stair another Art Time loose mode. rsDeaT steDs 1 to• 80 caetured ]1ages compose a video ot 1 second leng_n Since %e m_nimum ler _n or a vloeo ]nat your cays£ }roe can save is one seconci me _n_erv8defines the total minimum recording time tor the Art Time Ls }se mode, For exan sle. if you set the irltenval to 5 Sec ou neeo _o se_ _ne reoorxalrlg _lrrle tolthe A_tTirne La_ _e mode to at least 2 mlnu_es and 30 seconds to r÷coro a minimum video length ot 1 second (SC mage@,ou canne_ cause recoldlng during Time lapse i_com ng- Audio is not rec ?raea aunt ? Art Time lapse r÷corang /4ualo is r÷coraea on aunng Jumping recoralng q Art Time L_ c _emoaeThe maximum video file size is 1,8GB, When a video tile exceeds q ,SGE a new w4eo Tile _crea_eo au_oma_lo_/re recommena uslr __rle power aaaptor instead of the battery ter Art Time lapse,It the battery orlaJ-ge is exnaus_eo oaring Art Time Lapse recording, _ne camcorxser saves recorq g up _c tna_ ooln_ ana swl[cnes _( s_a_soey moae,/ater awnlle [ alsplays a warning message, and then turns off autornatica_the storage meala becomes Tu _unr _ Art Tirne Lapse recoraln% _ne camcoraer svvl_cnes _o_ne slanae} mode otter saving _ne recoralng ulc [o (nensxlmum memo_' available• Dunng Art Time Lapse lecordlng, the Switch GI ) turlctlorl does not work,Extended functions _4