Editing videos o__photosCombineYou can combine two different videos. As this function edits theoriginal files, make sure to back up the original files before combiningthem,7 Select the video playback mode. -page 56Touch the ©ombine (i_) tab on the thumbnail view.s/ Touch the tab.o A message appears asking for your confirmation.Touch Yes.* The carncorder combines the video files you selected in theorder you designated, and then stores the combined videos asa single video file,_ De net eject a memory cad or pewee off while ed!ting a video reo0rdedon the storage media. Doing so may darnage the sto_iage media or data.:_ Touch the video thumbnails in the order you want themcombined.° The selection (_j_) ir/dicator and the order number appearon the selected videos, When you touch a video thumbnail,selection (+_) and release alternate,* The checkbox on the video thumbnail does not appear if thevideo files have different resolutions.tiTs} e YOUcannot combine tne Tilestrial 8J-eE s_ected _€_,H 3ancel %neorotect function first. _page 67• The _ _lnal waeos aJ-enot preservece The Combine function is not avallaole under the folio g sorlc]mons:tthe Vdeos aJ-e n different resolution formats For exarr x6 vlaeos_eorded at Video Resolution: Full lid 1080/60i ar J VideoResolution: HD 720/60p car -lot oe corr sines- Itthe tile size OTthe eornolnea c]_Ds exceeds 1.8 GBtthe remsir g memory sp_ se on your memor'_ sac] is less Tna_15MB- Ita video tile format is rlo_ SL sper[ea oy Tne sameordel? e _rle camcoraer is }laylng a vlqeo Tile'_OUCe_ 1OI combine vlaeos lecolded in the tA/eb/HD lesolutlon, When } su combine a video with My CLip tags the My el@ tags31sa[ Dearsu cannot cornbine a video recorded in Art Time la )se modePlaybacWEditing _9