Befo_'e reading this use_ manual• The wireless version of this camcorder may emit radiointerference. Avoid using it near pacemakers and similarmedical equipment.Always use caution when transfering files via Wi-Fi. There isa danger that your data could be intercepted.Take the appropriate security precautions when usingwireless network products. Sarnsung is not responsible forar V damages that may arise from seeunty problems caused bythe failure to imp]emer/t security measures or from unavoidablecircumstances associated with the use of a wireless network.• For Open Source licenses information, refer to the'Opensource-Q20.pdf' in the provided CD-ROM.All the trade rlames and registered trademarks mentioned in thismanual or other documentation provided with your Sarnsungproduct are trademarks or registered tradernarks ot their respectiveholders. Furthermore, 'TM' and '_' are not rnentioned in each case inthis rnar/uakThe SD, SDHO and SDXG Iogos are tradernarks of SD SO, LLG.Microsott®, Windows _, Windows Vista _, Windows ® 7, andDirectX_ are either registered tradernarks or trademarks ot theMicrosott Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.InteP, Gore TM, Core 2 Duo ® and Pentiurn _ are the registeredtrademarks or trademarks of the Intel Corporation in the UnitedStates and other countries.AMD and Athlon TM are either registered trademarks or tradernarksof AMD in the United States and other countries.Macintosh, Mac OS are either registered trademarks or trademarksof Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc., Flickr is a trademark of Yahoo,, Facebook is a trademark ot Facebook Inc,, Twitter is a trademark ot twitter Inc., Picasa is a trademark of Google Ino,, HDMI, the HDMI logo and High Definition Multimedia Interface aretrademarks or registered tradernarks of HDMI Licensing LLO,, Adobe, the Adobe logo, and Adobe Acrobat are either registeredtrademarks or tradernarks ot Adobe Systems ]ncorporated in theUnited States and/or other countnes,, Wi Fi®, the Wi Fi CERTIFIED logo, and the Wi Fi logo are registeredtrademarks ot the Wi Fi Alliance,, AIIShare TM is a Samsung's trademark.