ŝ43Şƃ Start the slide show : The slide show can start only in the [Show] menu.1. Use the Up / Down buttons to select the [Show]menu and press the Right button.2. Select a desired sub menu by pressing theUp / Down button.[Play] : The slide show is closed after onecycle.[Repeat Play] : The slide show is repeated untilcancelled.3. To save the changed settings, press the OKbutton. And then the slideshow will be started.ƃ Setting play interval: Set the slide show play interval.1. Select the [Interval] sub menu by pressing theUP / DOWN button and press the RIGHT button.2. Use the Up / Down buttons to select the desiredinterval.3. Press the OK button to save the configuration.ƃ The loading time depends on the image size and quality.ƃ While the slide show is playing, only the first frame of a MOVIE file isdisplayed.ƃ While the slide show is playing, the voice recording file will not display.INFORMATIONƈ Images can be displayed continuously at pre-set intervals.You can view the slide show by connecting the camera to an external monitor.1. Press the play mode button and press the menu button.2. Press the LEFT / RIGHT button and select the [SLIDE] menu tab.Setting up the play back function using the LCD monitor Starting the slide showSLIDEShowIntervalEffectBack: Set:OKPlayRepeat PlaySLIDEShowIntervalEffectBack: Set:OK1 sec3 sec5 sec10 secMenu tab Main menu Sub menu Secondary menu PageAutoPlainPhotoFastphotoAutoDraftNormalFineAutoDate OffOnAutoFile name OffOnStandard -Index -No -Yes -No -Yes -Typep.51ſ Menus are subject to change without prior notice.QualityCUSTOMSETp.51p.52p.52PRINTDPOF PRINTRESET