A.2 APPENDIXA P P E N D I XLearning About Video Cassette TapesChoosing the Proper TapesUse only video cassette tapes marked VHS with this VCR. Choose good quality tapes forbest results.Caring for Video Cassette Tapes• Keep the tapes away from direct sunlight, heat or extreme cold.• Insert tapes with the window side up and the arrow pointing away from you.• Do not subject tapes to violent vibrations or shocks.• Never try to take apart or splice a video tape.• Do not open the cassette, touch the tape, or put anything inside the video tapecartridge.• Read the instructions supplied with a video tapeChoosing the Correct Recording SpeedYour VCR is equipped with variable tape speed. You can play or record a tape at:• SP (Standard Play)—the fastest speed,• SLP (Super Long Play)—the slowest speed.When you are playing a tape, your VCR automatically selects the proper speed, even ifsegments of the tape have been recorded at a different speed.When you are recording, the slower the tape speed you use, the longer the tape runs andthe more program material it holds. SP provides the clearest record/playback picture, butspecial effects such as still picture work best in the SLP mode.Use this chart to determine which tape speed to select when you are recording:TAPE SP SLPT-60 1hr. 3hrs.T-120 2hrs. 6hrs.T-160 2hrs. 40 mins. 8hrs.03233A(E)-APPENDIX 11/26/03 3:51 PM Page 2