EditingRETURNENTERMOVE EXITBasic Editing (Title List)Renaming (Labeling) a TitleFollow these instructions to rename a title list entry, i.e.,to edit the title of a recorded program.Using the TITLE LIST button1 Press the TITLE LIST button.The Title List screen is displayed.Or use the MENU button• Press the MENU button.• Press the …† buttons to select Title List, thenpress the ENTER or √ button twice.2 Press the …† buttons to select an entry you want torename from the Title List, and then press theENTER or √ button.3 Press the …† buttons to select Rename, and thenpress the ENTER or √ button.The Rename screen is displayed.4 Select the desired characters using the …† œ √buttons, press the ENTER button.• Back Space : Deletes the character before thecursor.• Space : Enters a blank and moves the cursor oneforward (to the right).• Delete : Deletes the character at the cursor position.• Clear : Deletes all the character inputs.• Save : Registers the character inputs.• The maximum number of characters that can beentered is 31. All 31 characters can be displayed bypressing the INFO button twice.RenameBack Space Space Delete ClearSaveSports(A1)DVD-RW(VR)DVD-RecorderRETURNENTERMOVE EXIT5 Press the …† œ √ buttons to select Save, and thenpress the ENTER button.The changed title name is displayed on the title item ofthe selected Title list entry.Locking (Protecting) a TitleTitle ListDVD-RW(VR)Sports(A1) 5/6Sports(A1)APR/03/2006SP01 APR/19/2006 12:00 00:00:21 √√02 APR/19/2006 12:30 00:00:03 √√03 APR/20/2006 12:00 00:00:15 √√04 APR/20/2006 12:30 00:00:16 √√05 Sports(A1) 00:06:32 √√06 APR/21/2006 12:30 00:08:16 √√No. Title Length EditRETURNENTERMOVE EXITFollow these instructions to lock an entry to protect itfrom accidental deletion.1 Press the TITLE LIST button.The Title List screen is displayedOr use the MENU button• Press the MENU button.• Press the …† buttons to select Title List, and thenpress the ENTER or √ button twice.2 Press the …† buttons to select an entry you want toprotect from the Title List, and then press theENTER or √ button.3 Press the …† buttons to select Protection, and thenpress the ENTER or √ button.4 Press the œ √ buttons to select On, and then pressthe ENTER button. The lock icon on the informationwindow for the selected entry changes to the lockedstatus. ( ➝ )If you want to unlock the title entry, select the protected titleand set the Protection function to Off.62 - EnglishTitle ListSports(A1) 5/6Sports(A1)APR/21/2006SPOn OffTitle Protection:Title ListDVD-RW(VR)01 Drama 00:00:21 √√02 Music 00:00:03 √√03 Sports 00:00:15 √√04 Movie 00:00:16 √√05 Sports(A1) 00:06:32 √√06 Edu 1 00:08:16 √√No. Title Length EditSports(A1) 5/6Sports(A1)APR/21/2006SP