Labels printing activewhile measurementrecording-Additional options associated with printinglabels, which allows you to disable printing oflabels during the recording. Enable option toprint labels for each record.Printed labels -Number of printed labels,When set to 0, you write the part number printedlabels.CAUTION!Printing labels is available after setting the printer, the standard label andselect the two options Active printing.• Select the number of labelsIf the parameter number of printed labels is set to 0 thenthe record appears in the following dialog choose thenumber of labels. Entering any number of prints the samenumber of labels.• Select the label templateWhen a label indicating the file, remember that before it is placed in thelocation: C:\Program Files\RADWAG\Terminal E2R Ewidencja\lab. Labelssaved in this folder should have the extension *. lb.- 65 -