Notice:Additional weighing platform module MW02 is working on port COM2.Languages available:• Auto - Setting language version compatible with theversion of the operating system.• Polish• English• GermanSet the address track to the software keyboard on:C:\Program Files\screen keyboard\KEYBOARD_mini.exe29.8. Closing WeighingServer programIn order to exit the program press the button: on the mainwindow.30. ERROR MESSAGESErr2 - Value beyond zero rangeErr3 - Value beyond tare rangeErr8 - Exceeded time of tarring / zeroing operationnull - Converter zero valueFULL - Measurement range exceedingLH - Initial mass error, indication beyond(from -5% to +15% range of initial mass)31. LABEL DESIGNINGComputer program EDYTOR ETYKIET R01 is used for label patternsmaking. First a label pattern is saved as a file with “lb” extension, thenit is set in Terminal E2R Ewidencja program.- 107 -