Setting up the receiver0748EnCoaxial digital 1:• Default setting: DVD• Use or to assign the coaxialdigital 1 input (DVD, TV, CD, CDR, DVR orOFF).Coaxial digital 2:• Default setting: CD• Use or to assign the coaxialdigital 2 input (DVD, TV, CD, CDR, DVR orOFF).Optical digital 1:• Default setting: TV• Use or to assign the optical digital1 input (DVD, TV, CD, CDR, DVR or OFF).Optical digital 2• Default setting: DVR• Use or to assign the optical digital2 input (DVD, TV, CD, CDR, DVR or OFF).• You can’t assign two inputs to the samefunction. For example, assigning input 1to the default setting of input 2automatically switches input 2 to OFF.SR+ control for Pioneer plasmadisplaysMake the following settings if you haveconnected a Pioneer plasma display to thisreceiver using an SR+ cable. Note that thenumber of function settings available willdepend on the plasma display you’veconnected.See also Using this receiver with a Pioneerplasma display on page 26 and Using the SR+mode with a Pioneer plasma display onpage 51.Control mode settingThis must be switched to SR+ ON to accessthe settings below (default is SR+ OFF).• SR+ OFF – Switches SR+ off (the receiverand plasma display work independently)• SR+ ON – Switches SR+ on (the receiversends control signals to the plasmadisplay)Volume control setting• VOL C OFF – The receiver does not controlthe volume of the plasma display• VOL C ON – When the receiver isswitched to one of the inputs that use theplasma display (DVD/LD, or another oneof functions listed below), the volume onthe plasma display is muted so onlysound from the receiver is heard.Function setting for DVD/LD input• DVD:1 – DVD:5 or TV – Matches theDVD/LD function of the receiver with anumbered video input on the plasmadisplay. For example, DVD:3 matches theDVD/LD input with video input 3 on theplasma display.Function setting for TV/SAT input• TV:1 – TV:5 or TV – Matches the TV/SATfunction of the receiver with a numberedvideo input on the plasma display. Forexample, TV:1 matches the TV/SAT inputwith video input 1 on the plasma display.Function setting for DVR/VCR input• DVR:1 – DVR:5 or TV – Matches the DVR/VCR function of the receiver with anumbered video input on the plasmadisplay. For example, DVR:2 matches theDVR/VCR input with video input 2 on theplasma display.