Setting up the receiver 0747En• Use or to set the distance of thesubwoofer from the main listening posi-tion (within the range of 0.5 ft. to 45 ft.).• When NO is selected in the subwoofersetting, the subwoofer distance can’t beset.Dynamic range control setting• Default setting: OFFDynamic range is the difference between theloudest and softest sounds in any givensignal. With this setting, you can compressthe dynamic range, so that low level soundscan be heard more easily (sounding relativelylouder) yet louder sounds won’t be too over-bearing.• Use or to set the dynamic rangecontrol (OFF, MAX, or MID).• When listening at low volumes, set toMAX for maximum dynamic rangecompression.• Dynamic range control is effective onlywhen Dolby Digital and DTS signals arebeing played back.Dual mono setting• Default setting: ch1The dual mono setting can only be used whenlistening to Dolby Digital and DTS signalswith dual mono encoding. It is sometimesused when it is necessary to have onelanguage on one channel and a differentlanguage on the other. With this setting youcan choose which channel in the dual monosetting you want to listen to.If Dolby Digital mode is switched on, you willhear the channel you have selected (eitherch1 or ch2) through your center speaker. WithDolby Digital mode off, or if you don’t have acenter speaker, you will hear the channel youhave selected through both front speakers. Inthe Lch1.Rch2 setting, the left front speakerwill play channel 1 and the right front speakerwill play channel 2.• Use or to cycle through thepossible dual mono settings.Component video input settingsHere you tell the receiver what componentsyou have hooked up to the component videojacks on the back of the receiver.Component video 1:• Default setting: DVD1 Use or to assign the componentvideo 1 input (DVD, TV, DVR or OFF).Component video 2:• Default setting: TV2 Use or to assign the componentvideo 2 input (DVD, TV, DVR or OFF).Digital input settingsHere you tell the receiver what componentsyou have hooked up to the coaxial and opticalDIGITAL IN jacks on the back of the receiver.After you assign a component to a digital jack,whenever you select that component, (forexample, a DVD player) the receiverautomatically changes to the digital inputsetting and DIGITAL shows in the display.ch2Lch1.Rch2ch1