06PreparationEnglish21EnCable connections for watching digitaland/or conventional TV channelsThis system is equipped with two terminals for inputting TVbroadcasting signals: ANTENNA/CABLE A IN and ANTENNA B.The ANTENNA/CABLE A IN terminal accepts both digital andconventional TV broadcasting signals while the ANTENNA Bterminal accepts only conventional TV broadcasting signals.When using a cable TV to watch digital and/or conventional TVchannels, connect to the ANTENNA/CABLE A IN terminal asshown. In addition, you may connect an antenna to theANTENNA B terminal as shown; use an outdoor antenna toenjoy clearer pictures. If your outdoor uses a 75-ohm coaxialcable with an F-type connector, plug it into the antennaterminal at the rear of the Media Receiver.Connecting VHF/UHF antennas and a CableConverter• Be sure to connect coaxial cables as shown above. Signal receptionmay fail if not properly connected.ANTENNA B INOUTANTENNA/CABLE A INMedia Receiver (rear)Cable TVCable ConverterCable connections for watching digitalTV channels over air (VHF/UHF)If using VHF and UHF antennas to watch digital TV channels,connect the coaxial cables as shown.Connecting VHF/UHF antennasANTENNA B INOUTANTENNA/CABLE A INVHF antenna UHF antennaU/V mixerMedia Receiver(rear)Media Receiver (rear)• Be sure to connect coaxial cables as shown above. Signal receptionmay fail if not properly connected.SplitterSplitter