! Read the entire manual before upgradingthe program of your navigation system.! This package is unique, and cannot be in-stalled on more than one unit.! Web-connected computer is required foronline issuance of password.! The user data stored in the internal memoryof the unit may be erased if an unexpectederror occurs during software installation.Pioneer is not responsible for any data lossor unavailability of user data.Models to be upgradedThis package can upgrade the software pro-gram and database of the following models:AVIC-U310BTManual overviewThe operations and information other thanthose described in this manual are basicallythe same as those at the time you purchasedthe hardware.For the following descriptions, refer to the Op-eration Manual of the purchased hardware.! Hardware description! Explanation of other non-operation infor-mationHow to use this manualFinding the operation procedure forwhat you want to doWhen you have decided what you want to do,you can find the page you need from the Con-tents.Finding the operation procedure froma menu nameIf you want to check the meaning of an itemdisplayed on the screen, you will find the ne-cessary page from the Display information atthe end of the manual.Conventions used in this manualBefore moving on, take a few minutes to readthe following information about the conven-tions used in this manual. Familiarity withthese conventions will help you greatly as youlearn how to use your new equipment.! Buttons on your navigation system are de-scribed in ALL CAPITAL, BOLD lettering:e.g.)MODE button, SRC/OFF button.! Items in different menus, screen titles, andfunctional components are described inbold with double quotation marks “ ”:e.g.)“Navigation Menu” screen or“Audio Menu” screen! Touch panel keys that are available on thescreen are described in bold in brackets [ ]:e.g.)[Address], [Settings].! Extra information, alternatives and othernotes are presented in the following for-mat:e.g.)p If the home location has not been storedyet, set the location first.! Descriptions of separate operations to beperformed on the same screen are indi-cated with # at the beginning of the de-scription:e.g.)# Touch [OK].! References are indicated like this:e.g.)= For details, refer to Displaying the“Route info” screen on page 49.Terms used in this manual“USB storage device”The term for USB memory only is “USB sto-rage device”.En 7Chapter01 PrecautionPrecaution