This navigation system is equipped with anEco-driving function that can be used to esti-mate whether you are driving in an environ-mentally friendly way.This chapter describes this function.! The fuel mileage calculated is based on atheoretical value determined from vehiclespeed and position information from thenavigation system. The fuel mileage dis-played is only a reference value, and doesnot guarantee the mileage displayed can beobtained.! The Eco-driving functions are an estimateof the real time fuel consumption to aver-age fuel consumption ratio and is not anactual value.! The Eco-driving functions and calculationstake into consideration the location of theGPS position and speed of the vehicle in de-termining a value.Displaying “Eco Graph”This function estimates approximate fuel mile-age based on your driving, compares that withyour average fuel mileage in the past, and dis-plays the results in a graph.1 Touch [Home] on the map screen andthen touch [Navigation].= For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 28.2 Touch [Eco Graph].p You can also touch on the mapscreen to display the “Eco Graph”.Reading the screen523411 Average fuel mileage comparison graphDisplays a comparison of the average fuelmileage up to the point the navigation systemwas last stopped (past average fuel mileage)and the current average fuel mileage. The dis-play is updated every 3 seconds. The more thevalue moves in the direction of +, the betterthe fuel mileage.There are three different graph bars.! TotalA comparison of the past average fuelmileage and the average fuel mileagefrom the location the navigation systemwas last started to the current driving lo-cation.! : Ordinary RoadA comparison of the past average fuelmileage and the average fuel mileagefor 90 seconds in the past, while the ve-hicle is driving on an ordinary road.! : FreewayA comparison of the past average fuelmileage and the average fuel mileagefor 90 seconds in the past, while the ve-hicle is driving on a freeway.2 Eco ScoreThe result of the comparison of your past aver-age fuel mileage and current average fuelmileage appears as a value from 0.0 Pts(points) to 10.0 Pts. The higher the value, thebetter the fuel mileage when compared topast route guidance.p This is not displayed when “Eco Score”is set to “Off” or when no route is set.3 Best ScoreDisplays the best score to date.p This is not displayed when “Eco Score”is set to “Off” or when no route is set.En 37Chapter07 Eco-driving functionEco-driving function