TERMS AND CONDITIONSFOR TELE ATLAS DATAEnd User Licensing TermsTHIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT (THE “AGREE-MENT”) BETWEEN YOU, THE END USER, ANDPIONEER and its licensors of Data product(sometimes collectively “Licensors”). BYUSING YOUR COPY OF THE LICENSED DATA,YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDI-TIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT.1 Grant of License.Licensors grant you a non-transferable, nonex-clusive license to use the map data and busi-ness points of interest information (the“POIs”), owned by Tele Atlas, (together, the“Data”) contained on these discs, solely forpersonal, non-commercial use and not to op-erate a service bureau or for any other use in-volving the processing of data of otherpersons or entities. You may make one (1)copy of the Data for archival or backup pur-poses only but you may not otherwise copy, re-produce, modify, make derivative works, derivethe structure of or reverse engineer the Data.The Data is restricted for use with thePIONEER Product(s). The Data contains confi-dential and proprietary information and mate-rials, and may contain trade secrets, so youagree to hold the Data in confidence and intrust and not to disclose the Data or any por-tions in any form, including by renting, leas-ing, publishing, leasing, sublicensing ortransferring the Data to any third party. Youare explicitly prohibited from downloading thedigital maps and programmes contained inthe Data or from transferring these to anotherdata carrier or computer. You are prohibitedfrom removing or obscuring any copy right,trademark notice or restricted legend.2 Ownership.The Data is copyrighted by Tele Atlas and its Li-censors and they retain all ownership rights inthe Data. You agree not to alter, remove, oblit-erate, or obscure any copyright notice or pro-prietary legend contained in or on the Data.3 Limitation of Liability.NEITHER TELE ATLAS NOR ITS SUPPLIERSSHALL BE LIABLE TO THE UNDERSIGNEDFOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR EXEMPLARY DA-MAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT,INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR COSTS OFCOVER, LOSS OF USE OR BUSINESS INTER-RUPTION OR THE LIKE, REGARDLESS OFWHETHER THE PARTY WAS ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CON-TRARY CONTAINED HEREIN, TELE ATLASSHALL HAVE NO MONETARY LIABILITY TOTHE UNDERSIGNED FOR ANY CAUSE (RE-GARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION)UNDER OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT.En14Chapter02 License agreement