5Terms and Conditions for theTele Atlas DataTHIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT (THE “AGREE-MENT”) BETWEEN YOU, THE END USER, ANDTELE ATLAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. (“TeleAtlas”). BY USING YOUR COPY OF THE TELEATLAS DATA, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT.1. Grant of License.Tele Atlas grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the map data and busi-ness points of interest information (the “POIs”),(together, the “Data”) contained on these discs,solely for personal, non-commercial use and notto operate a service bureau or for any other useinvolving the processing of data of other personsor entities. You may make one (1) copy of theData for archival or backup purposes only butyou may not otherwise copy, reproduce, modify,make derivative works, derive the structure of orreverse engineer the Data. The Data containsconfidential and proprietary information andmaterials, and may contain trade secrets, so youagree to hold the Data in confidence and in trustand not to disclose the Data or any portions inany form, including by renting, leasing, publish-ing, leasing, sublicensing or transferring theData to any third party. You are prohibited fromusing the POIs (i) to create mailing lists or (ii) forother such similar uses.2. Ownership.The Data is copyrighted by Tele Atlas and itslicensors and they retain all ownership rights inthe Data. You agree not to alter, remove, obliter-ate, or obscure any copyright notice or propri-etary legend contained in or on the Data.3. Warranty Disclaimer.THE DATA IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND“WITH ALL FAULTS BASIS” AND TELE ATLAS, ITSLICENSORS, AND ITS LICENSED DISTRIBUTORSAND SUPPLIERS (COLLECTIVELY, “SUPPLI-ERS”) EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WAR-RANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGBUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRAN-TIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABIL-ITY, EFFECTIVENESS, COMPLETENESS,ACCURACY, TITLE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTIC-ULAR PURPOSE. TELE ATLAS, ITS LICENSORSAND SUPPLIERS DO NOT WARRANT THAT THEDATA WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS ORTHAT THE OPERATION OF THE DATA WILL BEUNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. NO ORALOR WRITTEN ADVICE GIVEN BY TELE ATLAS, ITSLICENSORS, SUPPLIERS OR ANY OF THEIRRESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES CREATES A WAR-RANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASES TELEATLAS’, ITS LICENSORS OR SUPPLIERS LIABIL-ITY AND YOU MAY NOT RELY ON ANY SUCHINFORMATION OR ADVICE. THIS DISCLAIMERIS AN ESSENTIAL CONDITION OF THIS AGREE-MENT AND YOU ACCEPT THE DATA ON THISBASIS.4. Limitation of Liability.IN NO EVENT SHALL TELE ATLAS’, ITS LICEN-SORS’ OR SUPPLIER’ AGGREGATE LIABILITYFOR ALL MATTERS ARISING OUT OF THE SUB-JECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHERIN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, EXCEEDTHE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR YOUR COPY OFTHE TELE ATLAS DATA. TELE ATLAS, ITS LICEN-SORS AND SUPPLIERS SHALL NOT BE LIABLEIN ANY MATTER TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL,INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTALDAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSSOF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUP-TION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, ANDTHE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENTOR THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THEDATA, EVEN IF TELE ATLAS, ITS LICENSORS ORSUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POS-SIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.5. Termination.This Agreement will terminate immediately andautomatically, without notice, if you breach anyterm of this Agreement. You agree that in theevent of termination of the Agreement, you shallreturn the Data (including all documentation andall copies) to Tele Atlas and its suppliers.6. Indemnity.You agree to indemnify, defend and hold TeleAtlas, its Licensors, and its Suppliers (includingtheir respective licensors, suppliers, assignees,subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and therespective officers, directors, employees, share-holders, agents and representatives) free and