1IntroductionLicense AgreementPIONEER CNDV-50MT [CNDV-50MTP] - for U.S.A.THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU,AS THE END USER, AND PIONEER ELECTRON-ICS (USA) INC. (“PIONEER”). PLEASE READ THETERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENTCAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWAREINSTALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS. BYUSING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THEPIONEER PRODUCTS, YOU AGREE TO BEBOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT.THE SOFTWARE INCLUDES A DATABASELICENSED BY THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER(S) (“SUP-PLIERS”), AND YOUR USE OF THE DATABASE ISCOVERED BY THE SUPPLIERS’ SEPARATETERMS, WHICH ARE ATTACHED TO THISAGREEMENT (Refer to page 5). IF YOU DO NOTAGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS, PLEASERETURN THE PIONEER PRODUCTS (INCLUDINGTHE SOFTWARE, AND ANY WRITTEN MATERI-ALS) WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THEPRODUCTS, TO THE AUTHORIZED PIONEERDEALER FROM WHICH YOU PURCHASEDTHEM. USE OF THE SOFTWARE SHALL BEDEEMED TO BE YOUR CONSENT TO THELICENSE AGREEMENT.1. GRANT OF LICENSEPioneer grants to you a non-transferable, nonexclusive license to use the software installed onthe Pioneer products (the “Software”) and therelated documentation solely for your own per-sonal use or for internal use by your business,only on such Pioneer products.You shall not copy, reverse engineer, translate,port, modify or make derivative works of the Soft-ware. You shall not loan, rent, disclose, publish,sell, assign, lease, sublicense, market or other-wise transfer the Software or use it in any man-ner not expressly authorized by this agreement.You shall not derive or attempt to derive thesource code or structure of all or any portion ofthe Software by reverse engineering, disassem-bly, decompilation, or any other means. You shallnot use the Software to operate a service bureauor for any other use involving the processing ofdata for other persons or entities.Pioneer and its licensor(s) shall retain all copy-right, trade secret, patent and other proprietaryownership rights in the Software. The Software iscopyrighted and may not be copied, even if modi-fied or merged with other products. You shall notalter or remove any copyright notice or propri-etary legend contained in or on the Software.You may transfer all of your license rights in theSoftware, the related documentation and a copyof this License Agreement to another party, pro-vided that the party reads and agrees to acceptthe terms and conditions of this License Agree-ment.2. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYThe Software and related documentation are pro-vided to you “AS IS”. PIONEER AND ITS LICEN-SOR(S) (for the purpose of provisions 2 and 3,Pioneer and its licensor(s) shall be collectivelyreferred to as “Pioneer”) MAKES AND YOURECEIVE NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE,WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ALLWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT-NESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE FORTHE SOFTWARE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OFIMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLU-SION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. The Software iscomplex and may contain some nonconformities,defects or errors. For example, the voice recogni-tion function as implemented by the Softwaremay not recognize your voice. Pioneer does notwarrant that the Software will meet your needs orexpectations, that operation of the Software willbe error free or uninterrupted, or that all non-con-formities can or will be corrected. Furthermore,Pioneer does not make any representations orwarranties regarding the use or results of the useof the Software in terms of its accuracy, reliabilityor otherwise.