Getting Started14Getting Started1Remote control123Battery InstallationRemove the battery cover onthe rear of the Remote Control,and insert an R03 (size AAA)battery with 4 and 5 matchedcorrectly.• • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • •P INPUT/TUNER: Changesinput mode.1 (STANDBY/ON): Switches theplayer ON or OFF.B OPEN/CLOSE: Opens andcloses the disc tray.HDMI IN: Changes input modeto HDMI IN directly.OPTICAL: Changes input modeto optical directly.m DISPLAY: Displays or exitsOn-Screen Display.n HOME MENU: Displays orexits the [Home Menu].MENU: Accesses the menu on adisc.Direction buttons: Selects anoption in the menu.b ENTER: Acknowledges menuselection.TUNE (+/-): Tunes in the desiredradio station.PRESET (W/S): Selectsprogramme of Radio.• • • • • • • • • b • • • • • • •x RETURN: Exits the menu orresumes playback. The resumeplay function may not workdepending on the BD-ROM disc.POPUP/ TOP MENU: Displaysthe DVD title menu or BD-ROM’spop-up menu, if available.Z STOP: Stops playback.z PLAY: Starts playback.M PAUSE/STEP: Pauses playbackC/V SKIP: Goes to thenext or previous chapter / track /file.c/v SCAN: Searchesbackward or forward.SPK LEVEL: Sets the sound levelof desired speaker.X USB REC: Records an audioCD.MUTE: Mute the unit.SOUND: Selects a sound effectmode.VOL +/- : Adjusts speakervolume.• • • • • • • • • c • • • • • • •0-9 numerical buttons: Selectsnumbered options in a menuor inputs letters in the keypadmenu.MARKER: Marks any pointduring playback.SEARCH: Displays or exits thesearch menu.h REPEAT: Repeats a desiredsection or sequence.DIMMER: Dims the light on theunit.ZOOM: Accesses the zoommenu.CLEAR: Removes a mark on thesearch menu or a number whensetting the password.Coloured (A, B, C, D) buttons:Use to navigate on menus.- A button (RDS): Radio DataSystem.- B button (PTY): Views theprogramme type of the RDS.- C button (PTY SEARCH):Searches programme type.- D button: Selects MONO orSTEREO in FM mode.TV Control Buttons: See page56.SLEEP: Sets a certain period oftime after which the unit willswitch to off.