! Playback of discs recorded on a personalcomputer may not be possible dependingon the application settings and the environ-ment. Please record with the correct for-mat. (For details, contact the manufacturerof the application.)! Playback of CD-R/CD-RW discs may be-come impossible in case of direct exposureto sunlight, high temperatures, or the sto-rage conditions in the car.! Titles and other text information recordedon a CD-R/CD-RW disc may not be dis-played by this unit (in the case of audiodata (CD-DA)).! This unit conforms to the track skip func-tion of the CD-R/CD-RW disc. The trackscontaining the track skip information areskipped automatically (in case of audiodata (CD-DA)).! If you insert a CD-RW disc into this unit,time to playback will be longer than whenyou insert a conventional CD or CD-R disc.! Read the precautions with CD-R/CD-RWdiscs before using them.MP3 files! MP3 is short for MPEGAudio Layer 3 andrefers to an audio compression technologystandard.! This unit allows playback of MP3 files onCD-ROM, CD-R and CD-RW discs. Disc re-cordings compatible with level 1 and level 2of ISO9660 and with the Romeo and Jolietfile system can be played back.! It is possible to play back multi-sessioncompatible recorded discs.! MP3 files are not compatible with packetwrite data transfer.! The max. number of characters which canbe displayed for a file name, including theextension (.mp3), is 32 characters from thefirst character.! The max. number of characters which canbe displayed for a folder name is 32 charac-ters.! In case of files recorded according to theRomeo and Joliet file system, only the first32 characters can be displayed.! When playing discs with MP3 files andaudio data (CD-DA) such as CD-EXTRA andMIXED-MODE CDs, both types can beplayed only by switching mode betweenMP3 and CD-DA.! The folder selection sequence for playbackand other operations becomes the writingsequence used by the writing software. Forthis reason, the expected sequence at thetime of playback may not coincide with theactual playback sequence. However, therealso is some writing software which per-mits setting of the playback order.! Files are compatible with the ID3 Tag Ver.1.0 and Ver. 1.1 formats for display ofalbum (disc title), track (track title) and ar-tist (track artist).! Only when MP3 files of 32, 44.1 and 48 kHzfrequencies are played back, the emphasisfunction is valid. (16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48kHz sampling frequencies can be playedback.)! There is no m3u playlist compatibility.! There is no compatibility with the MP3i(MP3 interactive) or mp3 PRO format.! The sound quality of MP3 files generally be-comes better with increasing bit rate. Thisunit can play recordings with bit rates from8 kbps to 320 kbps, but in order to be ableto enjoy a certain sound quality, it is recom-mended to use only discs recorded with abit rate of at least 128 kbps.Important! When naming an MP3 file, add the corre-sponding filename extension (.mp3).! This unit plays back files with the filename ex-tension (.mp3) as an MP3 file. To preventAdditionalInformationEn92Appendix