center frequency, an equalizer level and a Qfactor for each band.! A separate CUSTOM1 curve can be cre-ated for each source.! A CUSTOM2 curve can be created com-mon to all sources.! The center speaker largely determines thesound image and getting the balance rightisnt easy. We recommend reproducing a 2-ch. audio (a CD for example) and gettingthe balance right among the speakers ex-cept for the center, and then reproducing a5.1-ch. audio (Dolby Digital or DTS) and ad-justing the center speaker output to thebalance you have already got among theother speakers.1 Touch A.MENU and AUDIO and thentouch NEXT twice.2 Touch PEQ.# You cannot select PEQ when neitherCUSTOM1 nor CUSTOM2 equalizer curve is se-lected.3 Touch a or b to select the desired item.Each time you touch a or b selects the itemin the following order:SP-SEL (speakers)BAND (bands)FREQUENCY (center frequency)LEVEL(equalizer level)Q. FACTOR (Q factor)4 Touch c or d to select the speaker tobe adjusted.Touch c or d until the desired speaker ap-pears in the display.REAR (rear speakers)CENTER (center speak-er)FRONT (front speakers)# You cannot select speakers whose size is setOFF.5 Touch b and then touch c or d to se-lect the equalizer band to be adjusted.Each time you touch c or d selects equalizerbands in the following order:LOW (low)MID (mid)HIGH (high)6 Touch b and then touch c or d to se-lect the center frequency of selected band.Touch c or d until the desired frequency ap-pears in the display.1001251602002503154005006308001k1.25k1.6k2k2.5k3.15k4k5k6.3k8k (Hz)7 Touch b and then touch c or d to ad-just the equalizer level.Each time you touch c or d increases or de-creases the equalizer level. +06 06 is dis-played as the level is increased or decreased.8 Touch b and then touch c or d to se-lect the desired Q factor.Each time you touch c or d switches betweenthe following Q factor:WIDE (wide)NARROW (narrow)# You can adjust parameters for each band ofthe other speakers in the same way.NoteYou can select a center frequency from among 20frequencies for each band. You can change thecenter frequency in 1/3-octave steps, but you can-not select frequencies that have intervals shorterthan 1 octave among the center frequencies ofthe three bands.DigitalSignalProcessorEn 81Section16 DigitalSignalProcessor