SIP interface configuration task list 386SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 33 • SIP interface configurationMode: interface sipEnabling support for SIP remote-party-id headersSupport for the remote-party-id header in SIP can be enabled/disabled separately for the calling and called par-ties. Once support for remote-party-id headers is enabled in the interface sip mode, the mapping between theremote-party-id headers and call-control properties is done in the same way as for any other SIP header usingthe address-translation command in the interface sip mode. The following procedure shows how to enable/disable support for the remote-party-id header.Mode: interface sip Enabling SIP RFC Privacy, Asserted-Identity, & Preferred-Identity headers(RFC 3323/3325)The following command sequence enables support for the SIP Privacy and Asserted-Identity headers, sendingand receiving of the Privacy as well as the Asserted-Identity headers of RFCs 3323 & 3325. This allows to pro-vide the asserted identity to SIP entities, which require it. The privacy header suppresses the forwarding of theidentity to the final endstation. Handling of the Asserted-Identity header can be configured in the same way asfor any other SIP header using the address-translation command in the SIP interface configuration mode. Theprivacy header is mapped to the call-control’s presentation indicator property field.Step Command Purpose1node(if-sip)[if-name]# address-transla-tion outgoing-call request-uri target-param call redirEnables Redirecting Party Number TunnelingISDN ‡ SIP: Enables transmission of the targetand cause parameters in the Request-URI foroutgoing SIP calls. Whenever the (incomingISDN) call has a redirecting party numberinformation element, the Request-URI isextended by the target and cause parame-ters.Default: disabled2node(if-sip)[if-name]# address-transla-tion incoming-call calling-redir request-uri-target-paramEnables Redirecting Party Number TunnelingSIP ‡ ISDN: Enables reception of the targetand cause parameters in the Request-URI forincoming SIP calls. Sets the redirecting partynumber information element for (outgoingISDN) calls where the target parameter ispresent in the Request-URI.Default: disabledStep Command Purpose1 [name] (if-sip)[if-name]# [no] remote-party-id called-partyEnables/disables support for the called-partyremote-party-id.2 [name] (if-sip)[if-name]# [no] remote-party-id calling-partyEnables/disables support for the calling-partyremote-party-id.