SNTP client configuration task list 247SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 21 • SNTP client configurationMode: ConfigureNote This command is only relevant in anycast operating-mode.Example: SNTP client anycast addressIn the following example anycast requests are sent to SNTP server at IP address using port 123of the SNTP server.node(cfg)#sntp-client anycast-address portEnabling and disabling local clock offset compensationThe Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 is an adaptation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)that is used to synchronize computer clocks in the Internet. While not necessary in a conforming SNTP client,in unicast and anycast modes it is highly recommended that the transmit timestamp in the request is set to thetime of day according to the client clock in NTP timestamp format. This allows a simple calculation to deter-mine the propagation delay between the server and client and to align the local clock generally within a fewtens of milliseconds relative to the server. In addition, this provides a simple method to verify that the serverreply is in fact a legitimate response to the specific client request and to avoid replays.In multicast mode, the client has no information available to calculate the propagation delay or to determinethe validity of the server unless the NTP authentication scheme is used.This procedure describes how to enable or disable the compensation for local clock offset.Mode: ConfigureExample: Enabling the SNTP client root delay compensationnode(cfg)#sntp-client root-delay-compensationStep Command Purpose1node(cfg)#sntp-client anycast-addressip-address {port |port-number}Set the anycast-address toip-address a designatedlocal broadcast or multicast group address towhich a request is sent. In addition an explicitSNTP serverport-number in the range from 1 to65535 can be defined or the argument port isselected, which sets the value for port to 123. Ifnone of the optional argument is used the value forport is set to 123.Step Command Purpose1node(cfg)#[no] sntp-client local-clock-offsetEnables the SNTP client’s compensation for localclock offset. Using the no command syntax dis-ables this feature.