Auto provisioning of firmware and configuration 63IPLink Software Configuration Guide 6 • System image handlingDownloading a driver software image file means storing it permanently at a defined location within the flashmemory on the motherboard or in the non-volatile memory of an optional interface card. To download thedriver software image file, you must use a special download script file.The following example shows a script file used to download a driver software image file from a TFTP server foran IC-4BRV interface card.# script file for driver software image download# Patton Electronics Co. 2006-02-02;/Vx_R3.20_BUILD24028+/flash/bin/pmc000216a64_ó-This script file defines how to handle the driver software image file and where to store it.Note You cannot download any driver software image file without an appropriatescript file.Mode: Administrator executionExample: Copy driver software from a network server to the Flash memoryThe following example shows how to download the driver software image file from the TFTP server at IPaddress The download is defined by a script file, which has to be downloaded first. After down-loading the script file, the driver software image file is downloaded automatically.IPLink>enableIPLink#configureIPLink(cfg)#copy tftp:// flash:Completed file download /flash/bin/pmc000216a6IPLink(cfg)#Note In order for the newly downloaded driver software to be running, you mustexecute the reload command.Auto provisioning of firmware and configurationThe new auto provisioning capability enables you to automatically distribute up-to-date configurations andfirmware to a large number of units using TFTP. It works as follows:Step Command Purpose1 node(cfg)# copy tftp://node-ip-address/b flash: Downloads the script file b from the TFTPserver at address node-ip-address andstarts the driver software image downloadprocess. This progress is visualized with acounter, counting up from 0 to 100%according to the downloaded amount ofthe file size for each file that needs to bedownloaded.