140Real-Time Auto-Gain TuningOutlineThe driver estimates the load inertia of the ma-chine in real time, and automatically sets up theoptimum gain responding to the result. Also thedriver automatically suppress the vibration causedby the resonance with an adaptive filter.Applicable Range• Real-time auto-gain tuning is applicable to allcontrol modes.CautionReal-time auto-gain tuning may not be executedproperly under the conditions described in theright table. In these cases, use the normal modeauto-gain tuning (refer to P.236 of Adjustment),or execute a manual gain tuning. (refer to P.240,of Adjustment)Conditions which obstructreal-time auto-gain tuning • Load is too small or large compared to rotor inertia.(less than 3 times or more than 20 times)• Load inertia change too quickly. (10 [s] or less) • Machine stiffness is extremely low.• Chattering such as backlash exists.• Motor is running continuously at low speed of 100 [r/min] or lower.• Acceleration/deceleration is slow (2000[r/min] per 1[s] or low). • Acceleration/deceleration torque is smaller thanunbalanced weighted/viscous friction torque. • When speed condition of 100[r/min] or more andacceleration/deceleration condition of 2000[r/min] per1[s] are not maintained for 50[ms].LoadinertiaLoadActionpatternAction command underactual conditionPosition/Velocitycommand Position/VelocitycontrolServo driverReal-time auto-gain tuningResonance frequency calculationLoad inertia calculationAdaptiveFilterCurrentcontrolAuto-gainsetupAuto-filteradjustment Torquecommand MotorcurrentMotorspeedMotorEncoderHow to Operate(1) Bring the motor to stall (Servo-OFF).(2) Set up Pr21 (Real-time auto-gain tuning mode setup) to 1-7. Default is 1.(3) Set up Pr22 (Machine stiffness at real-time auto-gain tun-ing) to 0 or smaller value.(4) Turn to Servo-ON to run the machine normally.(5) Gradually increase Pr22 (Machine stiffness at real-timeauto-gain tuning) when you want to obtain better response.Lower the value (0 to 3) when you experience abnormalnoise or oscillation.(6) Write to EEPROM when you want to save the result.0<1>,4,72,53,6Real-time auto-gain tuning(not in use)normal modeVarying degree of load inertia in motion–no changeslow changerapid change• When the varying degree of load inertia is large, set up 3 or 6. • When resonance might give some effect, validate the setup of Pr23(Setup of adaptive filter mode).SetupvalueSetup of parameter, Pr21Press .Press .Match to the parameter No. to be set up with . (Here match to Pr21.)Press .Change the setup with .Press .Setup of parameter, Pr22Match to Pr22 with .Press .Numeral increases with , and decreases with . Press .(default values)Writing to EEPROM Press .Press .Bars increase as the right fig. shows by keep pressing (approx. 5sec).Writing starts (temporary display).FinishWriting completes Writing erroroccursReturn to SELECTION display after writing finishes, referringto "Structure of each mode"(P.60 and 61 of Preparation).Insert the console connector to CN X6 of the driver, then turn on the driver power.