120Parameter SetupParameters for Velocity and Torque ControlParameters for Sequence5E5F0 to 500<500>*2 0 to 500<500>*2%%1st torque limit setup2nd torque limitsetupYou can set up the limit value of the motor output torque (Pr5E : 1sttorque, Pr5F : 2nd torque). For the torque limit selection, refer to Pr03(Torque limit selection).You cannot set up a larger value to this parameter than the default setupvalue of "Max. output torque setup" of System parameter (which youcannot change through operation with PANATERM ® or panel). Defaultvalue varies depending on the combination of the motor and the driver.For details, refer to P.57, "Setup of Torque Limit " of Preparation.• Setup value is to be given in% against the rated torque.• Right fig. shows example of150% setup with Pr03=1.• Pr5E limits the max. torque forboth CCW and CW directions.This torque limit function limits the max. motor torque inside of thedriver with parameter setup.In normal operation, this driver permits approx. 3 times larger torquethan the rated torque instantaneously. If this 3 times bigger torquecauses any trouble to the load (machine) strength, you can use thisfunction to limit the max. torque.speed200100(Rated)(Rating)100200300torque [%]300(Max.)(Max.)CWCCWwhen Pr5E=150Standard default : < >PrNo. Setuprange UnitTitle Function/Content60 0 to 32767<131>PulsePositioning com-plete(In-position)rangeYou can set up the timing to feed out the positioning complete signal(COIN : CN X5, Pin-39). The positioning complete signal (COIN) will be fed out when the deviationcounter pulse counts fall within ± (the setup value), after the commandpulse entry is completed.The setup unit should be the encoder pulse counts at the position controland the external scale pulse counts at the full-closed control.• Basic unit of deviation pulse is encoder "resolution", and varies perthe encoder as below.(1) 17-bit encoder : 2 17 = 131072(2) 2500P/r encoder : 4 X 2500 = 100001. If you set up too small valueto Pr60, the time until theCOIN signal is fed mightbecome longer, or causechattering at output.2. The setup of "Positioningcomplete range" does notgive any effect to the finalpositioning accuracy.COINdeviationpulsesON Pr60Pr60Standard default : < >PrNo. Setuprange UnitTitle Function/Content• For parameters which default. has a suffix of "*2", value varies depending on the combination of the driverand the motor.