11Code labelsRetain these labels for future reference.The codes on the label will be requestedwhen you contact the service station.It is recommended to paste one of the labelsonto the CD-ROM case.Discoloration on the CCD color filterWhen continuously shooting a bright lightsource such as a spotlight, the color filter ofthe CCD may have deteriorated and it maycause discoloration.Even when changing the fixed shootingdirection after continuously shooting a spot-light for a certain period, the discolorationmay remain.Do not aim the camera at strong lightsources.A light source such as a spot light causes ablooming (light bleeding) or a smear (verticallines).MPEG-4 Visual patent portfolio licenseThis product is licensed under the MPEG-4Visual patent portfolio license for the person-al and non-commercial use of consumer for(i)encoding video in compliance with theMPEG-4 Visual Standard ("MPEG-4 Video")and/or(ii) decoding MPEG-4 Video that wasencoded by a consumer engaged in a per-sonal and non-commercial activity and/orwas obtained from a video provider licensedby MPEG LA to provide MPEG-4 Video. Nolicense is granted or shall be implied for anyother use. Additional information includingthat relating to promotional, internal and com-mercial uses and licensing may be obtainedfrom MPEG LA, LLC.See http://www.mpegla.com.Smear Bright subjectBlooming