17Alarm output 16Alarm output 8Alarm output 9Alarm output 10Alarm output 11Alarm output 12Alarm output 13Alarm output 14Alarm output 15 How to Use the Terminals of the ALARM/CONTROL ConnectorThese terminals are used for emergency recording, auto time adjustment, taking measures against power outages, and wheninstalling a buzzer, a lamp, or similar alarm device.The terminal pin array and connections are shown below. The connector to be used should be compatible with the pin configu-ration.The pin array is different from other disk recorders. Make sure thatthe connection is correct referring to the following.@5Pin No.qSignal OperationAlarm signal output at an event occurrence Open collector output24 V max., 100 mAStarting emergency recording signal inputSignal output for available disk space of thehard disk/disk replacement warningOpen collector output24 V max., 100 mARemarkswertyuio!0 Network error output Signal output upon detection of a broken Ethernetlink or upon DHCP IP address expirationOpen collector output24 V max., 100 mA!1 Alarm reset input!2 Emergency recordinginput!3, !4 Earth (Grounding)!5 Available disk spacewarning outputSignal output upon detection of a HDD error!6 HDD error outputSignal output upon detection of a camera error!7 Camera error outputSignal output upon detection of a unit error!8 Error outputSignal output upon completion of outage pro-cessingHigh (+5 V - +12 V,6.3 mA max.)!9 Outage processingend outputThe time of this unit is adjusted to the presettime according to the signal input. This signaloutput is then generated for the setting time ofthis unit. Time of all other units is adjusted tothe setting time of this unit.52 kΩ 5 V pull-up,–100mA/make contact@0 Time adjustment I/O@1 NCThe state of alarm suspension is assumedaccording to the signal input.@2 Alarm suspensioninputStart of outage processing according to thesignal input.Non-voltage make contact input–100 mA, 5 V pull-up@3 Outage detectioninputChangeover to the external recording mode@4 External recordingmode changeoverCanceling the alarm display Non-voltage make contact input–100 mA, 5 V pull-up+5 V output +5 V output 200 mA max.q!3@5 !4ALARM/CONTROL