Technical Information74USB connection It is recommended to connect the USB Flash Memory to the TV’s USB port directly. Some USB devices or USB HUB may not be used with this TV. You cannot connect any devices by using USB card reader. Additional information for USB devices may be on the following website. signal that can be displayed COMPONENT (Y, PB , PR ), HDMISignal name COMPONENT HDMI525 (480) / 60i, 60p625 (576) / 50i, 50p750 (720) / 60p, 50p1,125 (1,080) / 60i, 50i1,125 (1,080) / 60p, 50p, 24p: Applicable input signal PC (from HDMI terminal)Signal name Horizontal frequency (kHz) Vertical frequency (Hz)640 × 480 @60 Hz 31.47 60.001,280 × 720 @60 Hz 45.00 60.001,920 × 1,080 @60 Hz 67.50 60.00Applicable input signal for PC is basically compatible to HDMI standard timing.Note Signals other than above may not be displayed properly. The above signals are reformatted for optimal viewing on your display. PC signal is magnified or compressed for display, so that it may not show fine detail with sufficient clarity.Characters table for numeric buttonsYou can enter characters by using numeric buttons for free input items.1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! : #a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s tu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _User inputNamePress the numeric button repeatedly until you reach thedesired character. The character is set automatically if you leave for 1 second. You can also set the character by pressing the OK button orother numeric buttons within 1 second. The characters may vary depending on the input items.Characters table:. 1 ! : # + - * _ ( )d e f 3 D E Fg h i 4 G H Ij k l 5 J K Lm n o 6 M N Op q r s 7 P Q R St u v 8 T U Vw x y z 9 W X Y ZSpace 0a b c 2 A B CNumericbuttonsNumericbuttonsCharacters Characters